# See translations/English-US.txt for instructions. # # Brazilian Portuguese Translation # Revision 1.0 # Translated by: Mauricio Piza - mpiza@formare.com.br # # Based in Portuguese version, by Paulino Michelazzo - paulino@michelazzo.com.br # Based in Portuguese version, by José Roberto Kerne - joseroberto@dicaslinux.com.br # Based in Portuguese version, by Sérgio Oliveira - sloliv@terra.com.br # Based in Portuguese version, by Nuno Lopes - nml@maxitel.pt # Based in Portuguese version, by Andre Oliveira - zack22@ig.com.br # # Last update: 23 June 2005 # # Additional translations 'borrowed' from SourceForge project # 'The Coolest DHTML Calendar', # http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar/ # # $Id: Portuguese_BR.txt,v 2008/09/05 17:59:22 bbannon Exp $ # Translation last updated on 09-08-2024 ################################################################################ # DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THIS SECTION # ################################################################################ # A lone equal sign "=" to the right of the FIRST colon ": " # indicates that the "translation" is identical to the English text. # # Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page). charset: = # "direction" need only be changed if using a right to left language. # Options are: ltr (left to right, default) or rtl (right to left). direction: = # In the date formats, change only the format of the terms. # For example in German.txt the proper "translation" would be # __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __dd__. __month__ __yyyy__ __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: = __month__ __dd__: = __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: = __month__ __yyyy__: = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ######################################## # Page: ws/ws.php # High: Alta Medium: Média Low: Baixa Public: Público Confidential: Confidencial Yes: Sim No: Não ######################################## # Page: ws/user_mod.php # You have not entered a password.: Não entrou com a senha ######################################## # Page: includes/functions.php # Private: Pessoal private: pessoal confidential: confidencial All day event: Evento no dia todo exceeds limit of XXX events per day: limite excedido de XXX eventos por dia All Attendees: Todos Atendentes Busy: Ocupados Tentative: tentando View this entry: Visualizar esta entrada Participants: Participantes Select: Selecionar Event approved: Evento aprovado Event created: Evento criado Event deleted: Evento deletado Invalid login: Login Inválido Notification sent: Notificação enviada Event rejected: Evento rejeitado Reminder sent: Lembrete enviado Event updated: Evento atualizado Add User: Adicionar Usuário Edit User: Editar Usuário Week: Semana WK: sem Today: Hoje Next: Próximo Previous: Anterior Admin mode: Modo de Administrador Assistant mode: Modo Assistente Priority: Prioridade Changes successfully saved: Mudanças salvas com sucesso Activity Log: Log de Atividade User: Usuário Calendar: Calendário Date: Data Time: Hora Event: Evento Action: Ação Title: Calendário Pessoal Printer Friendly: Formato de impressora Generate printer-friendly version: Visualizar em formato de impressora day: dia days: dias hour: hora hours: horas minute: minuto minutes: minutos New Entry: Nova entrada Category: Categoria Description: Descrição Delete entry: Apagar entrada Edit entry: Editar entrada This will delete this entry for all users.: Isto vai apagar esta entrada para todos os usuários All: Todos None: Nenhuma January: Janeiro February: Fevereiro March: Março April: Abril May_: Maio June: Junho July: Julho August: Agosto September: Setembro October: Outubro November: Novembro December: Dezembro Feb: Fev Apr: Abr May: Mai Aug: Ago Sep: Set Oct: Out Dec: Dez The following error occurred: Ocorreu o seguinte erro Error: Erro You are not authorized.: Você não está autorizado Error approving event: Erro aprovando evento Sunday: Domingo Monday: Segunda Tuesday: Terça Wednesday: Quarta Thursday: Quinta Friday: Sexta Saturday: Sábado Sun: Dom Mon: Seg Tue: Ter Wed: Qua Thu: Qui Fri: Sex Sat: Sáb External User: Usuário Externo Send Reminder: Enviar Lembrete ######################################## # Page: includes/common_admin_pref.php # Edit: Editar Day: Dia Month: Mês Year: Ano Settings: Configurações Public Access: Acesso Público Groups: Grupos NonUser Calendars: Calendários de não-usuário Other: Outros Email: E-mail Colors: Cores When I am the boss: Quando sou o chefe Subscribe/Publish: Assinar/Publicar colors-help: Todas as cores devem ser especificadas no formato hexadecimal "#RRGGBB". Document background: Fundo do documento Document title: Título do documento Document text: Texto do documento Table grid color: Cor da grade da tabela Table header background: Cor de fundo do cabeçalho Table header text: Texto do cabeçalho da tabela Table cell background: Fundo da célula da tabela Table cell background for current day: Fundo da célula da tabela (para o dia atual) Table cell background for weekends: Fundo da célula para feriados Event popup background: Fundo para eventos pop-up Event popup text: Texto para eventos pop-up ######################################## # Page: includes/init.php # Go: Ir ######################################## # Page: includes/translate.php # English: Inglês Basque: Basco Bulgarian: Búlgaro Catalan: Catalão Chinese (Simplified/GB2312): Chinês (Simplificado/GB2312) Chinese (Traditional/Big5): Chinês (Tradicional/Big5) Czech: Checo Danish: Dinamrquês Dutch: Holandês Estonian: Estoniano Finnish: Finlandês French: Francês Galician: Galego German: Alemão Holo (Taiwanese): Holo (Taiwanês) Hungarian: Húngaro Icelandic: Islandês Italian: Italiano Japanese: Japonês Korean: Coreano Norwegian: Norueguês Polish: Polonês Portuguese: Português Portuguese/Brazil: Português/Brasil Romanian: Romeno Russian: Russo Spanish: Espanhol Swedish: Sueco Turkish: Turco ######################################## # Page: includes/trailer.php # My Calendar: Meu Calendário Search: Pesquisar Import: Importar Export: Exportar Add New Entry: Adicionar Evento Login: Entrar Logout: Sair Current User: Usuário Corrente Help: Ajuda Back to My Calendar: Volta para Meu Calendário Go to: Ir para Views: Visualizações Reports: Relatórios Manage calendar of: Configurar Calendário de ######################################## # Page: includes/user-nis.php # incorrect password: senha incorreta no such user: usuário inexistente Invalid user login: Usuário Inválido Database error: Erro no banco de dados ######################################## # Page: includes/access.php # Account: Conta Administrative Tools: Ferramentas Administrativas Advanced Search: Busca avançada Assistants: Assistentes Layers: Níveis Preferences: Preferências System Settings: Configurações ######################################## # Page: includes/xcal.php # Daily: Diário Weekly: Semanal Monthly: Mensal Yearly: Anual Unnamed Event: Evento sem Nome Scheduling Conflict: Conflito no agendamento conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: está em conflito com os eventos do calendário Event Imported: Evento Importado ######################################## # Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class # Notification: Notificação ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_remotes.php # Invalid color: Cor inválida ######################################## # Page: includes/js/availability.php # Change the date and time of this entry?: Mudar a data e a hora desta entrada? ######################################## # Page: includes/js/pref.php # Invalid color for document background.: Cor de fundo inválida para o documento Invalid color for document title.: Cor inválida para o título do documento Invalid color for table cell background.: Cor inválida para cor de fundo da célula Invalid color for table cell background for today.: Cor de fundo inválida para a celula de hoje Invalid work hours.: Horário de trabalho inválido ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_user.php # Username cannot be blank.: Nome de usuário não pode estar vazio The passwords were not identical.: As senhas não são iguais ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php # You have not entered a Brief Description: Você não inseriu uma Descrição Breve The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?: A data que você inseriu começa antes da sua hora preferida Please add a participant: Por favor adicionar um participante You have not entered a valid time of day: Você não inseriu uma hora válida do dia ######################################## # Page: includes/js/admin.php # Server URL is required.: Endereço do Servidor é Necessário Invalid color for table grid.: Cor inválida para a grade da tabela Invalid color for table header background.: Cor de fundo inválida para cabeçalho da tabela Invalid color for table text background.: Cor de fundo inválida para o texto da tabela Invalid color for event popup background.: Cor de fundo inválida para o evento popup Invalid color for event popup text.: Cor inválida para evento popup ######################################## # Page: includes/menu/index.php # Unapproved Events: Eventos não aprovados ######################################## # Page: tools/reload_remotes.php # From: De Events successfully imported: Eventos importados com sucesso ######################################## # Page: tools/send_reminders.php # Duration: Duração Access: Accesso Created by: Criado por Updated: Atualizado Reminder: Despertador