# See translations/English-US.txt for instructions. # # Translated by: Kristofer Arnar Einarsson kristofer@kristofer.com # Last update: 18 August 2000 # # $Id: Icelandic.txt,v 2008/09/05 17:59:22 bbannon Exp $ # Translation last updated on 09-08-2024 ################################################################################ # DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THIS SECTION # ################################################################################ # A lone equal sign "=" to the right of the FIRST colon ": " # indicates that the "translation" is identical to the English text. # # Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page). charset: = # "direction" need only be changed if using a right to left language. # Options are: ltr (left to right, default) or rtl (right to left). direction: = # In the date formats, change only the format of the terms. # For example in German.txt the proper "translation" would be # __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __dd__. __month__ __yyyy__ __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: = __month__ __dd__: = __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: = __month__ __yyyy__: = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ######################################## # Page: ws/ws.php # High: Hár Medium: Međal Low: Lágur Public: Allir Confidential: Trúnađarmál Yes: Já No: Nei ######################################## # Page: ws/user_mod.php # You have not entered a password.: Lykilorđ vantar ######################################## # Page: includes/functions.php # Private: Einka private: einka confidential: trúnađarmál View this entry: Skođa Participants: Ţátttakendur Select: Velja Add User: Nýr notandi Edit User: Breyta notanda Admin: Stjórnandi Week: Vika Priority: Forgangur Date: Dags Time: Tími Title: VefDagatal Printer Friendly: Prentvćnt Generate printer-friendly version: Búa til prentvćna útgáfu minutes: mínútur New Entry: Nýtt atriđi Description: Lýsing Delete entry: Eyđa atriđi Edit entry: Breyta atriđi This will delete this entry for all users.: Atriđi verđur eytt hjá öllum notendum. None: Engin January: Janúar February: Febrúar March: Mars April: Apríl May_: Maí June: Júní July: Júlí August: Ágúst October: Október November: Nóvember December: Desember May: Maí Jun: Jún Jul: Júl Aug: Ágú Oct: Okt Nov: Nóv Dec: Des The following error occurred: Eftirfarandi villa kom upp Error: Villa You are not authorized.: Ţú hefur ekki heimild Error approving event: Villa viđ samţykkt atriđis Sunday: Sunnudagur Monday: Mánudagur Tuesday: Ţriđjudagur Wednesday: Miđvikudagur Thursday: Fimmtudagur Friday: Föstudagur Saturday: Laugardagur Mon: Mán Tue: Ţri Wed: Miđ Thu: Fim Fri: Fös Sat: Lau ######################################## # Page: includes/common_admin_pref.php # Day: Dagur Month: Mánuđur Year: Ár Settings: Stillingar Colors: Litir colors-help: Alla liti á ađ skilgreina međ "#RRGGBB" hex sniđi ţar sem "RR" er hex gildiđ fyrir rauđan, "GG" er hex gildi fyrir grćnan, og "BB" er hex gildi fyrir bláan. Document background: Bakgrunnur Document title: Titill Table cell background: Bakgrunnur dálka Table cell background for current day: Bakgrunnur dálka núverandi dags ######################################## # Page: includes/init.php # Go: Velja ######################################## # Page: includes/translate.php # event: atburđur ######################################## # Page: includes/trailer.php # My Calendar: Dagataliđ mitt Search: Leit Export: Flytja Add New Entry: Bćta viđ Login: Skrá inn Logout: Skrá út Current User: Núverandi notandi Help: Hjálp Back to My Calendar: Aftur í mitt dagatal Another Users Calendar: Dagatal annarra Go to: Fara í ######################################## # Page: includes/access.php # Account: Reikningur Preferences: Stilla ######################################## # Page: includes/xcal.php # MO: MÁ TU: ŢR WE: MI TH: FI FR: FÖ SA: L SU: = Daily: Daglega Weekly: Vikulega Monthly: Mánađarlega Yearly: Árlega Unnamed Event: Ónafngreint atriđi conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: stangast á viđ eftirfarandi atriđi ######################################## # Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class # Notification: Tilkynning ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_remotes.php # Color format should be RRGGBB.: Form lita á ađ vera '#RRGGBB' ######################################## # Page: includes/js/pref.php # Invalid color for document background.: Ólöglegur litur í bakgrunni Invalid color for document title.: Ólöglegur litur í titli Invalid color for table cell background.: Ólöglegur litur í bakgrunni taflna Invalid color for table cell background for today.: Ólöglegur litur í bakgrunni taflna núverandi dags ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_user.php # The passwords were not identical.: Lykilorđin passa ekki saman ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php # You have not entered a Brief Description: Stutta lýsingu vantar You have not entered a valid time of day: Rangur tími sleginn inn ######################################## # Page: includes/menu/index.php # Unapproved Events: Ósamţykkt atriđi ######################################## # Page: tools/reload_remotes.php # From: Frá ######################################## # Page: tools/send_reminders.php # Duration: Lengd Access: Ađgangur Created by: Gert af Updated: Uppfćrt