# See translations/English-US.txt for instructions. # # FitBak ( http://www.fitbak.com ) -ek itzulia # # Additional translations 'borrowed' from SourceForge project, # 'The Coolest DHTML Calendar', # http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar/ # # $Id: Basque.txt,v 2008/09/05 17:59:19 bbannon Exp $ # Translation last updated on 09-08-2024 ################################################################################ # DO NOT "TRANSLATE" THIS SECTION # ################################################################################ # A lone equal sign "=" to the right of the FIRST colon ": " # indicates that the "translation" is identical to the English text. # # Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page). charset: = # "direction" need only be changed if using a right to left language. # Options are: ltr (left to right, default) or rtl (right to left). direction: = # In the date formats, change only the format of the terms. # For example in German.txt the proper "translation" would be # __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __dd__. __month__ __yyyy__ __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: = __month__ __dd__: = __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: = __month__ __yyyy__: = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ######################################## # Page: ws/ws.php # High: Altua Medium: Ertaina Low: Baxua Public: Publikoa Confidential: Konfidentziala Yes: Bai No: Ez ######################################## # Page: ws/user_mod.php # You have not entered a password.: Ez duzu pasahitz bat sartu ######################################## # Page: includes/functions.php # Private: Pribatua private: pribatua confidential: konfidentziala All day event: Egun osokoa View this entry: Sarrera hau ikusi Participants: Partaideak Select: Aukeratu Event approved: Gertaera onetsia Event created: Gertaera sortua Event deleted: Gertaera ezabatua Invalid login: Erabiltzaile/pasahitz desegokia Notification sent: Jakinarazpen mezua bidalia Event rejected: Gertaera gaitzetsia Reminder sent: Gogorarazteko mezua bidalia Event updated: Gertaera eguneratua Add User: Erabiltzailea gehitu Edit User: Erabiltzailea editatu Admin: Konfigurazioa Week: Astea WK: ast Today: Gaur Next: Hurrengoa Previous: Aurrekoa Priority: Lehentasuna Activity Log: Jardunaren erregistroa User: Erabiltzailea Calendar: Egutegia Date: Data Time: Ordua Event: Gertaera Action: Ekintza Printer Friendly: Inprimatzeko egokia Generate printer-friendly version: Formatu inprimagarria sortu days: egunak hour: Ordua hours: orduak minutes: Minutuak New Entry: Sarrera berria Category: Atala Description: Deskribapena Delete entry: Sarrera ezabatu Edit entry: Sarrera editatu This will delete this entry for all users.: Ekintza honek gertaera hau ezabatuko du egun baterako All: Denak None: Bat ere ez January: Urtarrila February: Otsaila March: Martxoa April: Apirila May_: Maiatza June: Ekaina July: Uztaila August: Abuztua September: Iraila October: Urria November: Azaroa December: Abendua Jan: Urt Feb: Ots Apr: Api May: Mai Jun: Eka Jul: Uzt Aug: Abu Sep: Ira Oct: Urr Nov: Aza Dec: Abe The following error occurred: Hondoko akatsa gertatu da Error: Akatsa You are not authorized.: Ez zaude baimenduta Error approving event: Akatsa gertaera onestean Sunday: Igandea Monday: Astelehena Tuesday: Asteartea Wednesday: Asteazkena Thursday: Osteguna Friday: Ostirala Saturday: Larunbata Sun: Iga Mon: Atl Tue: Atr Wed: Azk Thu: Otg Fri: Otr Sat: Lar Send Reminder: Gogorarazteko abixua bidali ######################################## # Page: includes/common_admin_pref.php # Day: Eguna Month: Hilabetea Year: Urtea Settings: Aukerak Public Access: Atzipen publikoa Groups: Taldeak Email: E-posta Colors: Koloreak When I am the boss: Bilera neuk sortzen dudanean Subscribe/Publish: Harpidetu/Zabaldu colors-help: Kolore guztiak formatu hamaseitarrean adierazi behar dira "#RRG Document background: Dokumentuaren atzea Document title: Izenburua Document text: Dokumentuaren testua Table grid color: Taularen kolorea Table header background: Taularen burukoaren atzea Table header text: Taularen burukoaren testua Table cell background: Taulako gelaxken atzea Table cell background for current day: Gaurko egunaren gelaxkaren atzea Table cell background for weekends: Astebukaerako gelaxken atzea Event popup background: Gertaera popup-aren atzea Event popup text: Gertaera popup-aren testua ######################################## # Page: includes/init.php # Go: Joan ######################################## # Page: includes/trailer.php # My Calendar: Nire egutegia Search: Bilatu Import: Inportatu Export: Exportatu Add New Entry: Sarrera berria gehitu Login: Sartu Logout: Irten Current User: Une hontako erabiltzailea Help: Laguntza Back to My Calendar: Nire egutegira itzuli Go to: Joan Views: Ikus erak ######################################## # Page: includes/user-nis.php # Invalid user login: Erabiltzaile/pasahitz desegokia Database error: Akatsa datu basean ######################################## # Page: includes/access.php # Account: Kontua Administrative Tools: Konfigurazio-tresnak Advanced Search: Bilaketa aurreratua Layers: Geruzak Preferences: Lehenetsiak System Settings: Sistemaren aukerak Manage Views: Ikus era administratu ######################################## # Page: includes/xcal.php # Daily: Egunero Weekly: Astero Monthly: Hilabetero Yearly: Urtero Unnamed Event: Izengabeko gertaera Scheduling Conflict: Bilera arteko talka conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: hondoko sarrerekin egiten du talka ######################################## # Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class # Notification: Abixua ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_remotes.php # Invalid color: Kolore desegokia Color format should be RRGGBB.: Kolorearen formatua hamaseitarra izan beharko luke adibidez, '#RRGGB ######################################## # Page: includes/js/pref.php # Invalid color for document background.: Kolore desegokia dokumentuaren atzerako Invalid color for document title.: Kolore desegokia dokumentuaren izenbururako Invalid color for table cell background.: Kolore desegokia taulako gelaxken atzerako Invalid color for table cell background for today.: Kolore desegokia gaurko egunaren atzerako ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_user.php # The passwords were not identical.: Pasahitza hauek ez dira berdinak ######################################## # Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php # You have not entered a Brief Description: Ez duzu deskribapen laburrik sartu You have not entered a valid time of day: Ez duzu ordu egoki bat sartu ######################################## # Page: includes/js/admin.php # Server URL is required.: Zerbitzariaren URL-a falta da Server URL must end with /.: Zerbitzariaren URL-a '/'-z bukatu behar du Invalid color for table grid.: Kolore desegokia taularentzako Invalid color for table text background.: Kolore desegokia taularen textuaren atzerako Invalid color for event popup background.: Kolore desegokia gertaera popup-aren atzerako Invalid color for event popup text.: Kolore desegokia gertaera popup-aren texturako ######################################## # Page: includes/menu/index.php # Unapproved Events: Gertaera ez onetsiak ######################################## # Page: tools/reload_remotes.php # From: Nork ######################################## # Page: tools/send_reminders.php # Duration: Iraupena Access: Atzitu Created by: Sortzailea Updated: Eguneratua Reminder: Oroigarria